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Swipe on a stroke of luxe with palettes designed to make you look, and feel, your most luxurious, featuring limited-edition, sculptural gold compacts. Prepare for the party circuit with irresistibly silky Light Reflectingâ„¢ powders, which impart a natural, luminous wash of color across eyes and cheeks. Pearlescent pigments and polymers create a light-scattering effect for a radiant, soft-focus look with 8-hour wear. Featuring an assortment of powders for highlighting, sculpting, and blushing for next-level luminosity that lasts all night.
- BOMBSHELL (Opalescent pink pearl)
- BLONDE CRAZY (Soft natural brown)
- RED DUST (Dolly pink)
- ROUGH CUT (Candy coral)
- PANDORA’S BOX (Soft dusty rose)
- Exclusive Light Reflectingâ„¢ powders impart a luminous wash of color for highlighting, sculpting, and blushing.
- Pearlescent pigments and polymers create a light-scattering effect for a radiant, soft-focus look with 8-hour wear.
- Effortlessly build and blend with rich champagne, bronze, and pink shades to create sensual eye looks that light up a room, and warm, lit-from-within cheeks.
- Apply ROUGH CUT all over lid and sweep BLONDE CRAZY through the crease. Tap brush into the same shades, then push pigment along the lower lashline.
- Highlight inner corner of the eye with BOMBSHELL.
- Swirl brush in PANDORA’S BOX and ROUGH CUT, then apply on the apples of the cheeks. For a lifted look, sweep RED DUST high on the cheek, wrapping up and around the temple.
- Blend BLONDE CRAZY along the hollows of the cheeks and up toward the temples for a sculpted effect.
- Illuminate the high points of the face with BOMBSHELL.
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