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A dream come true for pores competing for attention, the Watermelon Glow PHA+BHA Pore-Tight Toner works to smooth and reduce the appearance of texture. This skin-saving set also includes the Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Dew Drops, a lightweight formula that visibly brightens skin and delivers an effortless glow to your visage. And, if that wasn’t enough, you can lock in long-lasting hydration with the Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Moisturizer. Radiance, incoming…
Watermelon Glow PHA+BHA Pore-Tight Toner (150ml)
Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Dew Drops (40ml)
Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Oil-Free Moisturizer (25ml)
Watermelon Glow PHA+BHA Pore-Tight Toner (150ml): On clean skin, dispense Watermelon Glow PHA+BHA Pore-Tight Toner in your palms and gently press into your face and neck until fully absorbed.
Watermelon Glow Niacinamide Dew Drops (15ml): As your serum step, gently pat in 1-2 pumps to brighten and hydrate skin with a dewy glow.
Watermelon Glow Pink Juice Oil-Free Moisturizer (25ml): Smooth a pea-sized amount onto skin after serum. Gentle pat in until fully absorbed. Can be mixed with foundation for subtle radiance.
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